I must say that I am deeply impressed by everybody's contribution. Thank you.
Mac48, as for your thoughts, although I have my reservations at this stage, I would like to offer you some suggestions that might remove some mental roadblocks.
The book of Daniel as we have it comes from the second century BCE. The preceding centuries witnessed the rise of apocalypticism, so inform yourself about the contemporary times (1 Enoch, Jubilees, Dead Sea community, in particular). That period was also responsible for the creation of an evil spirit world, including their leader, known as Belial / Beliar / Mastema / Azazel / Satan, etc. The LXX took over the Greek diabolos / Devil. Later, the NT writers created demons. This period also invented a War inside Heaven(!).
Regarding the numbers, do not be distracted by modern mathematics, particularly with its focus on positional notation. Rather, work through their ideas of Gematria, Kabbalah, and so on ("the number of his name", etc.), in other words, the spiritual meanings given to numbers.
There is a consensus that when the 2nd century CE writers compiled the Book of Daniel for their own immediate needs, that they did not get the history precisely correct in the way that we would understand history. The Hebrews and the Jews created stories in order to give meaning to their own situation. It is thus thought that they reapplied Nabonidus' ten year absence from Babylon in Tema, as it suited their objective regarding Antiochus. Taken in sequence, chapters 2, 3 and 4 of Daniel show that the mighty, who think their kingdom will last forever, will all be humbled.
As for the Johannine community that wrote, Revelation, that is another separate exercise which has to look at their own situation and approaches.
My thoughts on the dream, which I hope to start another Thread with: https://jwstudies.com/Daniel_4_and_1914.pdf